On Saturday Wafflecat peed 3 drops of bloody urine on the foot of my bed three hours before I was supposed to be at work. I called work and let them know I would be late. I called my mom and asked her if she would go with me and wield her mighty credit card at the vet office. My credit card is *not* mighty. It is puny.
Wafflecat has a UTI. He got a shot of antibiotics, a painkiller shot, several x rays, and a liquid antibiotic that smells of oranges that he HATES. He was also prescribed a special food for urinary health. He is only 11 months old. He is probably going to have urinary problems forever.
The vet told me that he had the UTI, but no kidney stones, and no damage or trauma to the bladder or kidneys.
I've changed his food to the prescribed diet, and I also changed his litter. He was using fresh step but I don't like the powdery ness. Changing the litter box gives me a horrible asthma attack. Now I'm back to using Yesterday's News which I used when we got him neutered. I put just enough in the box to cover the bottom and I change it daily.
Wafflecat had been peeing in my closet for a while and I was planning on taking him to the vet on Monday but yeah. Peeing blood is serious business.
I also bought him little bowls. We'd been using plastic bowls (so Bunnyworm can't break them) but I've read they hold bacteria and cause kitty acne (which Wafflecat has). The bowls are ceramic and shallow. It makes it much easier to portion out his food. I don't think he likes his prescription diet very much, but he needs to keep his urine acidic. The vet said the ph of his urine was 7. That is neutral and ideal for bacterial growth.
Anyhow, that was 4 days ago and he is doing much better. He's peeing in his litter box again and drinking. He doesn't eat as much, but I think he's holding out for wet cat food.
Fun fact: Wafflecat weighed 10.5 lbs at the vet. He was the only cat there, and the only animal bigger than him weighed 11 lbs and was a DOG. The other dogs were half his size. Wafflecat is huge.
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