Bunnyworm is sick. She has a cough/cold and the runniest nasty nose ever. She has been running fevers, and last night she broke my measuring cup and stepped in the glass.
I didn't sleep last night. Bunnyworm is asleep right now. She *asked* to go to bed. She NEVER volunteers to go "night night". She ran a fever of 101.4 at 5am this morning. She complained about her foot hurting all night long. She slept in our bed last night. Our whole family, Wafflecat included, slept in the bed last night. Bunnyworm kept sitting up and then draping her torso across my body. At one point she said "Snuggle?" and pressed her back up against my chest and dragged my arm over her torso. When your sick toddler asks for a snuggle or cuddles, you don't say no. If you do you are a horrible parent.
I got up and called her doctor to schedule an appointment and made quinoa for breakfast.
Breakfast Quinoa:
(Serves 4)
1 cup Quinoa
1 1/2 cup Water
2 Cinnamon sticks
4 Pats of Butter
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
Frozen Berries
* Combine first 3 ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat to a simmer and cook 20 minutes or until all water is absorbed.
* Remove from heat, take cinnamon sticks out, and stir in brown sugar.
* Put one pat of butter in each of 4 bowls, spoon in quinoa, and top with nuts and berries.
Bunnyworm wasn't feeling very well and didn't eat this as enthusiastically as I expected but she ate about half of it and picked all the nuts and berries out.
She threw up in my hands at the doctors office.
Her Doctor said she has another ear infection in her left ear (she had one last month too, same ear). He looked at her foot and said he didn't think there was any glass in her foot and congratulated me on my bandaging (Bunnyworm pulls off bandaids, I used a piece of gauze and a length of medical wrapping that only sticks to itself and then put a sock over her foot to keep her from playing with it.
She was tired and clingy and kept trying to give the doctor a hug while we were there. We went by walgreens and dropped off her prescription. She snatched a bag of Munchies off the shelf and dropped it in the cart. I put it back and she did not cry. She knows better. In the car I asked her "when we get home do you want to go night night?" and she said "yes. thank you." (I am trying to raise a polite child) I will say she has *never* agreed to go night night. Ever.
After we left walgreens and were going down the road, a woman pulled out of a Korean Church parking lot making a left turn in front of us, saw us, and slammed on her brakes. My dear partner slammed on his brakes and yelled "FUCK!". Bunnyworm immediately said "fuck! fuckfuckfuck!" and continued saying it all the way home.
So yeah. Now I can say "she didn't learn it from *me*!"
She crawled into bed as soon as we got home and hasn't gotten up since. She is running a fever and I gave her some ibuprofen (infant) and took all of blankets away and gave her a sheet. I don't like seeing her this way but her antibiotics should sort her out.
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